The DAPA Gift Fund was established by former DAPA President, Nevin Raj, ’13, just prior to his graduation. The fund was created so that students, parents, alumni, businesses/corporations, and “friends of DAPA” could make donations to the program in support of special projects at the discretion of the director. To make a donation to DAPA of any amount, donors may contribute online or by mail.
To contribute online:
- Visit the following website:
- Select Other under the “School/Affiliate” drop-down menu and Other under the “Fund” drop-down menu.
- In order to ensure that gifts are directed to the DAPA Gift Fund, donors must include a note in the comment box that states, “This donation is for the DAPA Gift Fund.”
To contribute by mail:
- Write a check made payable to “Harvard University Health Services” with “DAPA Gift Fund” noted in the memo line.
- Checks can be mailed to the following address:
Michelle Mandino
Director, Office of Alcohol & Other Drug Services
Harvard University
7 Linden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Thank you for supporting our program. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Michelle Mandino
Director, Office of Alcohol & Other Drug Services
Co-advisor to DAPA