Who We Are

Harvard Drug and Alcohol Peer Advisors (DAPA) is a group of student advisors that serve both as health opinion leaders and resources to their peers. DAPAs are trained to provide accurate information and respond to questions regarding drug and alcohol use. While we come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, we are united in our goal to make Harvard as fun and safe of a campus as possible.

Upcoming DAPA Events

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Best way to cure a hangover? Eat. Hydrate. Alternate. Stop the hangover before it starts.

Always remember, if you are worried about a friend being too intoxicated, use Harvard’s Amnesty Policy and get your friend help. When in doubt, take the person to UHS.

“Students may bring an intoxicated or drug-impaired friend to University Health Services or to a hospital, or seek assistance from College residential life staff or HUPD, and by doing this, neither they nor the friend will face disciplinary action from the College for having used or provided alcohol or drugs.”

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DAPA Quick Facts

Blood Alcohol Content Charts

BAC Charts

DAPA Drug-ipedia

DAPA Resources

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