It’s that time of year again - and no, I’m not talking about finals or Christmas - I’m talking about the best day of the year! The countdown to “The Game” is dwindling as Harvard Yale quickly approaches. Although there is nothing more satisfying than watching Yalies cry on their way back home after a humiliating defeat, DAPA wants to give you 9 helpful tips on how to stay safe, have fun and remember the win this weekend!
1. Stay HYdrated
Eileen knows what I’m talking about. Harvard Yale is a long day weekend, and whether or not you are choosing to drink, keeping hydrated is super important. While there may be plenty of mimosas and Keystones scattered about the field and stocked in coolers, make sure to take a few breaks and alternate. Try and keep a water bottle with you throughout the day #DAPACamelbaks.
2. Help Yourself to free food!
Yeah, you heard that right Bryne, FREE FOOD. This tip is for everyone! If you do choose to drink, eating beforehand can slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream keeping your BAC from rising too quickly. Be sure to take advantage of all of the free food being offered around campus this weekend.
Friday Night: DAPA is sponsoring Dinner Deals at Wagamama for 10% off your meal and $5 Burgers and Fries at Quincy Grille! The CEB also has a (Pre) Game Outdoor Party in Tercentenary Theatre from 9:30-11 with free burritos and giveaways!
Game Day: Hit up your House Dhall in the morning for a complimentary Pancake breakfast. Make sure to also go to the HUDS Student tailgates at the stadium. Here is a map of the tailgates by house
3. Have Your Dollars Ready
Yes, that new Harvard Crimson Tshirt will look amazing on you but keep in mind a lot of clothing, food and drink vendors at the game only use cash! It’s always good idea to keep a couple of spare dollars on you in case of emergency.
4. WatcH out for Your Friends
Sorry Leslie, but when you're belting out 10,000 Men of Harvard at the top of you lungs in the stand, it’s easy to forget to pick up your phone and check in with friends. With thousands of people flooding the stadium, it can be hard to keep track of your roommate who’s wearing the same Crimson sweatshirt as every other Harvard fan. A friend-finding app could also be a quick and easy way to find each other in the stadium, on the field and at tailgates. Check out Find My Friends available for both iPhones and Androids.
DAPA Pro Tip:
Find an OSL phone charging station on the field and at tailgates during the game if you need to charge for a quick contact! Nothing is worse than being stuck in a sea of people with no forms of communication
5. Stay Warm WitH LaYers
Aye, Aye Barney! With temperatures possibly reaching a frosty 31 degrees on Saturday, Make sure sure to bundle up! Drinking dilates blood vessels near your skin, which means more heat is flowing to these vessels and away from you organs. So, while it feels like you’re warm because your skin is warm, your vital organs aren’t as warm as you might think they are.
DAPA Pro Tip: Pick up a pair of DAPA’s Gloves for The Game in your Dhall while picking up your ticket for game day.
6. Plan AHead, WorrY Less
No one freaks out when they have a plan! Map out when and where you want to meet up with your friends and have a check ins (this is great especially if you have friends from Yale coming). If your phone dies, it is good to have concrete plans made ahead of time.
7. Don't RusH, Take Your Time
Harvard-Yale is a long weekend. Make sure you set a limit and pace yourself, especially if you are planning to drink at a tailgate. Nothing would be worse than not making it to the game because of overintoixation.
8. Remember tHe Win
This is the easy part! Nothing is better than coming together as a crimson family and getting pumped to whoop some bulldogs! Remember the Day, Remember The Game, Remember the win.
For More Tips on how to prepare for Harvard Yale, check out the offical Game website:
Get HYped with our Be a Hero for HY Promo Video